
Freedom. Balance. Control.


GYROTONIC® AND GYROKINESIS® – exercise for posture, balance and pain relief

Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis are a family of exercise systems which place an emphasise on health, core strength, posture, physical maintenance and rehabilitation.

Founded by Juliu Horvath, a former Ballet dancer and gymnast just over 30 years ago, Designed to maximise the potential for stretching and strengthening muscles, relieving pain and improving joint mobility, other benefits include enhanced physical skill (specifically for co-ordination based sports like golf), increased energy levels, improved posture and reduced stress. In essence, Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis will allow you to function better physically, mentally and emotionally with the challenges life throws at you. Juliu Horvath began developing his ideas as he treated career-ending injuries sustained as a renowned Principal Dancer. Through the practice of Yoga, Tai Chi and Chinese medicine his own ideas began to form, creating the practice of Gyrokinesis and Gyrotonic.

I first came to Gyrotonics about 5 years ago. Why was I drawn to it? I had previously had two episodes of back surgery, for prolapsed discs, and had slowly recovered doing a lot – about an hour every day – of yoga. Yes, the yoga helped, but I felt any improvement had plateau’d.‘’ Why did I think Gyrotonics was for me? I love rhythmic movement attuned to the breath, and this seemed like a moving meditation type of activity that would be good for my mind as well as my body.
After the first lesson I was hooked, and after a month I improved more with Gyrotonics than with two years of yoga; and this was with only one session per week, as I live a considerable distance from Glasgow. After a few months, rather bizarrely, both my teacher and I became unwell, and I had a substantial break. A lot of this time off was spent in bed, or resting, and it was probably the hard work put in previously that meant my back didn’t break down again.
I returned to class, but this time with the Movement Studio, and it helped straight away. My illness meant I did not improve at quite the amazing rate I had previously, but Fin is a wonderful and patient teacher; despite the cost, if I were able to come to Glasgow more than once per week I would definitely have more. Since I started with Fin, I have had two relapses of my illness, and hope to resume class very soon. Each time I have been unwell the core strength Gyrotonics has built up means that I don't completely ‘crumble.’
When I do Gyrotonics regularly I walk tall, and feel loose-limbed and toned in a way no other exercise has managed to achieve.

Dr Ellie Dow Doctor of Medicine

George Dallas award winner for outstanding contribution to Scottish Athletics

I am an 81 year old man who until 2011 was fit able and active. Having had 4 operations on my back I was left completely immobile and worried for my future. My worry was accentuated as I have led a life dedicated to the support of Scottish Athletics and have also been both an international speed skater and a professional motor cyclist.

In early 2012 I heard about the Movement Studio and the Gyrotonic system of rehabilitation they use – at once I was hooked and could see how it would benefit me. I travel each week from Ayr to see Finlay and have achieved remarkable progress in every way – mentally as well as emotionally. I now walk unaided and enjoy an altogether better outlook on life.

At my age in gives me no end of pleasure to know that in so many ways I am gaining mobility that I have not had for years – even before my operation. My visits are the highlight of my week and I would recommend anyone who want to improve their mobility – whether as a rehabilitative practice or to improve athletic ability to give them a visit.

Glen Henderson

After having three children and suffering from constant backache, Gyrotonic has helped me increase not only my core strength but I feel stronger all over. My pain has been greatly reduced and its definitely increased my range of movement. I'd recommend it to those wanting to see some definite results even after a few sessions.

Dr Abida Cathcart General Practitioner

Following major spinal surgery I was advised as part of my recuperation process to take up a form of exercise that did not cause me to further damage my back, but in fact worked to strengthen and repair the damage I had suffered.
Gyrotonic was recommended by a friend who had, had similar problems and felt it would be perfect for my situation. Fin & Kate immediately understood the issues I had and devised a program that situated my capabilities. Gyrotronics was the perfect system for providing the core strengthening…
In a very short space of time I felt the benefits and the confidence it gave me to was a huge boost in my recovery process.

Alastair Young

Gyrotonic was recommended to me 4yrs ago as, increasingly,
I was suffering both joint and muscular pain and did not have the range or ease
of movement which I required for both my work as a PE lecturer and my continued
participation in a variety of sports. I really thought I might not be able to continue skiing – something I did not
want to consider.

Gyrotonic has made an immense difference to my situation. It has improved my overall flexibility and
has built up my core strength. It has allowed me to continue working in a
practical setting with students and to still participate both in the sports
which I enjoy and annual family skiing holidays. Gyrotonics continually challenges me to be
aware of my own body and how it is moving, or not as often is the case!! It is hard work but Fin is an excellent
teacher with a depth of knowledge as to the most appropriate programme,
tailored to meet my specific needs. I enjoy working with him and after each session feel better, feel less
stressed and feel as if my body has been really “stretched out”. I thoroughly recommend Gyrotonic as a
holistic approach to wellbeing.

Mary McLean Glasgow University Lecturer

Gyrotonics was recommended to me 4yrs ago as, increasingly, I was suffering both joint and muscular pain and did not have the range or ease of movement which I required for both my work as a PE lecturer and my continued participation in a variety of sports. I really thought I might not be able to continue skiing – something I did not want to consider

Gyrotonics has made an immense difference to my situation. It has improved my overall flexibility and has built up my core strength. It has allowed me to continue working in a practical setting with students and to still participate both in the sports which I enjoy and annual family skiing holidays. Gyrotonics continually challenges me to be aware of my own body and how it is moving, or not as often is the case!! It is hard work but Fin is an excellent teacher with a depth of knowledge as to the most appropriate programme, tailored to meet my specific needs. I enjoy working with him and after each session feel better, feel less stressed and feel as if my body has been really “stretched out”. I thoroughly recommend gyrotonics as a holistic approach to wellbeing .

Mary McLean Glasgow University

I suffered debilitating, chronic lower back pain for years. Iattended several clinicians with very mixed results. Eventually, in desperation, I stumbled into the Park Practice and was seen by Dr Dawn Blaser, chiropractor. Dr Blaser has been absolutely marvellous in providing relief and greatly alleviating the problem. However, she was aware that underlying poor posture and a semi-sedentary office lifestyle were major contributing factors to my condition. I am eternally grateful to Dr Blaser for recommending The Movement Studio to me for Gyrotonics exercise.
I now attend the Studio regularly and really feel the benefit. I am more active but hurt my back and require chiropractic treatment very much less frequently; the extent of the resulting injury now tends to be minor, and the recovery time is rapid.
I have enjoyed personal tuition from Kate and Finlay Menzies. My posture has improved dramatically, I am more flexible and active. My breathing is improved. I can happily undertake physical activities which would have crippled me previously. I am experiencing steady, ongoing improvement in my physical wellbeing.

Nigel Kelly

After having three children and suffering from constant backache, gyrotonic has helped me increase not only my core strength but I feel stronger all over. My pain has been greatly reduced and its definitely increased my range of movement. I’d recommend it to those wanting to see some definite results even after a few sessions.

Dr Abida Cathcart General Practitioner

I suffered from increasing back and nerve pain for years from my 20s through to my 40s, spent thousands on specialists, had more than one operation to 'fix' my back problem and had reached the point where my ability to work was impacted. Even after the last operation, little helped until my Chiropractor suggested Gyrotonics and gave me the number of The Movement Studio. Now, after just under a year of working with Kate and Fin, I can do exercise again, and carry out normal, day to day tasks without worry or stress.
Gyrotonics allows me to enjoy myself and work on keeping my back healthy. This means I do not have to take pain medicine or visit the doctor, and can enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle. I recommend Gyrotonics to anyone - no matter what your fitness level. It is no 'quick fix' or 'trendy solution' - what it does provide is an effective, targeted, and above all individualised programme that brings you back to feeling yourself. Try it and you will find this out for yourself.

Dr. Murray Stewart Leith Lecturer in Politics

Gyrotonic has given me movement and posture that I thought had gone forever. It has made me stronger and more supple. More importantly, it has taken away my back pain and helped me understand the causes of it. I feel back in control of my body. This is extraordinary exercise for anyone. Finlay and Kate Menzies are dedicated teachers who really know what can be achieved.

Sarah Jane Davidson Deputy Director, Impact Arts

Movement Therapist and Professional Golfer

I have been involved in optimising my own and other peoples fine motor movements for over 20 years. After injuring myself and failing to get properly better I discovered Gyrotonic. This is a very powerful and effective practice and in a relatively short time overcame my difficulties. Of greater significance though I discovered the practicality of moving energy through my body in an efficient way. Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis enabled me to understand many concepts which were, until that time, just ideas and knowledge. These practices have enabled to merge the artistry and science of movement, together with the connection of mind, body and emotion. I have better balance, posture and co-ordination than ever before.

Finlay Menzies Partner of Movement Studio

As a former professional Ballet dancer I have GYROTONIC to be extremely helpful in rehabilitation and injury prevention. Due to its nature it also allows people to regain control and an awareness of their bodies that they had when they were younger. This gives them much more freedom and happiness in their lives. As an alternative to traditional exercise it provides greater awareness and balance through the muscles encouraging a healthier and more flexible physique.

Kate Menzies Former Professional Ballet Dancer

Injury and rehabilitation

I didn't know a huge amount about Gyrotonic but was looking at something to help me recover from a back injury And ensure I came back stronger. Fin helped me do this and more. Through his sessions I strengthened my core whilst improving my flexibility and mobility especially in my lower back and hips. I can't recommend Fin highly enough, he has great knowledge and was very thorough with me during sessions and explained everything we were doing in detail.

Russell Martin

Gyrotonic is great! Most golfers fight coming up out of the shot, but this strengthening routine works on keeping you in the shot from start to finish. Since I have been paying attention to my posture and flexibility, I have moved from 60th to 30th on the money list in one year.

Andrew Magee PGA Tour golfer

In fact, I have been a lot better since our session yesterday. I didn't seize up this morning after sitting for 15 minutes at breakfast. Also, I have been out and about in the car for most of the morning - also without any problems. What a tribute to Gyrotonic!

James McKenzie
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